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Other Insects & Bugs In Canada
There are so many types of bugs and insects in our natural habitat and urban environments that contribute to our biodiversity. We are not always fond of them, and sometimes we must control their presence, but often we just want to know what they are and what we should do about them. Here are some less common, but often found bugs and insects you may come across in Canada.
Alphabetically Listed – Other Insects
Aphids: Aphids are insects that belong to the Superfamily Aphidoidea. They are also known as plant lice. Aphids are 4 to 8 mm in length, are pale green, black, red, or milky white in color, with tiny, soft-bodied, elongated bodies. Some species of aphids have wings, while others do not. Aphids infest plants and, in doing so, cause their leaves to wilt, yellow, curl, or spot. The stems and branches of plants infested with aphids may develop galls. Plants outdoors with aphids may be treated with an appropriately registered and labeled insecticide. If aphids infest a structure’s interior, it is best to consult a trusted and reputable professional pest control company, like Major Pest Control.
Chinch Bugs: Chinch bugs are common residents of Canadian lawns where they are normally found at a rate of fewer than 10 to 15 individuals per square foot of lawn. In such cases, other insect species, such as ants and ladybugs, feed on chinch bugs, keeping their populations in check. When summers bring extreme heat or drought, numbers of other insects decline allowing the population of chinch bugs to rapidly increase to greater than 100 individuals per square foot of lawn. A chinch bug infestation can be detected by lawn damage with yellow patches that turn brown and die.
The scientific name of chinch bugs is Blissus leucopterus. Chinch bugs are up to 6 mm in length, have dark red to black bodies, with white wings, and a white spot on its back. While found in all types of turfgrasses, chinch bugs most extensively damage warm-season grass species, such as tall fescue, bermudagrass, bentgrass, zoysiagrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. Chinch bugs damage grasses by using their sharp mouthparts to puncture the grass blade and then sucking out the grasses’ fluids resulting in dehydration and death of the grass.
Crickets: Crickets are insects that belong to the Superfamily Grylloidea. They grow 12 to 25 mm in length, are light yellow, tan, dark brown, or black in color, and have prominent hind legs and long thin antennae. Crickets are known for their loud chirping and with different chirps for fighting, warnings, or attracting a mate. When crickets infest a structure, they can cause damage. Crickets may eat through paper, carpet, clothing, silk, wool, and upholstery. Because crickets can breed indoors, infestations can occur quickly. Cricket infestations are best controlled by employing the services of a trusted and reputable pest control company, such as Major Pest Control.
Fleas: Fleas are insects that belong to the order Siphonaptera. They grow 1.5 to 3 mm in length and are typically brownish-black in color except after taking a blood meal when they take on a reddish hue. Fleas are wingless and their bodies appear flattened and thin. They have long, powerful hind legs that allow them to jump horizontally up to 40 cm and vertically up to 15 cm. Flea infestations can cause serious problems for humans and pets. An untreated infestation can kill a cat or dog, but the animal would experience extreme suffering. Flea infestations can cause medical conditions such as bartonellosis (cat scratch fever), feline anemia, and flea allergies. Historically, fleas have played important roles as carriers of the plague. As the intermediate hosts of dog and rodent tapeworms, fleas can transmit these parasites to humans and pets. Steam cleaning carpets is one effective treatment against fleas, and there are numerous over-the-counter and veterinarian-prescribed treatments appropriate for treating pet flea infestations. For additional guidance in the proper treatment of a flea infestation, contact a trusted and reputable pest control company, like Major Pest Control.
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